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DIY Craft Ideas

 I love crafts, and I love the ability that we have to essentially make something out of nothing. How liberating is it to know that you can transform the most simple thing into something beautiful and special? Here are some crafts I have done recently, enjoy!

Collaged Letters for Wall Decor


You’ll Need:
Letters from AC Moore or Hobby Lobby
Old Magazines
Modge Podge
Older Paintbrush
Newspaper for the mess
Scrapbooking paper (optional)

Simply cut out blocks of designs from the magazines that have nice designs or colors. Pieces of scrapbook paper will also work for this. I chose to do a combination of both. Then, cut out small images and words. For example, I cut out images of wine glasses and flowers and a guitar. I also cut out fun words like home, amore, and celebrate. First apply the modge podge with the paintbrush and then cover it with the blocks of patterns from the magazines and scrapbooking paper. Then apply the smaller pieces as well. Try covering the places where many different patterns meet with smaller images, this helps the collage flow better. Then cover the edges with modge podge, let it dry, and hang it on the wall!

Record Bowl

You’ll Need:
An old record or records
OvenLinen bag
Dry beans
Heat proof bowl
Large pot
Baking sheet
A second bowl
Oven mitts
Preheat the oven to 250 F. Get the linen bag and fill it with about 1/2 pound of dry beans. Use the larger pot to hold the smaller heat proof bowl, then place them both on the baking sheet. Center the record on top of the bowl with the center of the record falling over the center of the bowl. Put in the open for 5-7 minutes or until you see it started to really form.  Take it out of the oven and put it in the second bowl to start to shape it a little, then let it cool for 15 minutes. You can also add some paint or a little collage like I did later on. It’s perfect for putting extra trinkets and jewelry in!

Jewelry Organizer Craft

You’ll need:
Decorative buttons
Glitter Glue
Small 3m hooks
Scrapbooking paper
Scrapbooking stickers
A box for decorating (or one already decorated like this one I pulled off the shelf at the dollar tree!)
Fake flowers

Basically, all you have to do is decorate the box in a way that looks fancy and cute and then stick the hooks on there for different jewelry to hang from it. My sister puts her bracelets and necklaces on this. It can be stood up on a dresser or mounted on the wall with foam tape. Its inexpensive and can be personalized with names, sayings, photos, or what ever you please!


This is a jewelry an organizer I put together using under ten dollars for my little sister for Christmas. A fun gift idea or way to organize your own jewelry!

Reminder Jar Gift Idea

You’ll Need:
Decorative gift wrapping paper
Old paint brush
Fake flowers
Decorative ribbon
Decorative buttons
Scrapbooking sticker letters
Modge Podge
Computer and printer
Glass jar
Gifts can be expensive and sometimes it is difficult to make something very personal that a loved one will really appreciate. I have found that something people will always appreciate, is being made to feel appreciated themselves. This is just a jar decorated with wrapping paper scraps glued on with modge podge and then little decorative ribbons, buttons, and flowers to add to it. After the jar is made and a message or name is put on the front, head to the computer. Start to type up reasons you love and appreciate this person. It could be for a significant other, or a parent, or really anyone you care about. Next, cut out these reminders and fold them in half, then place them all in the jar. Give the gift and let them know they can keep it out and reach into it at any time to be reminded why they are loved and appreciated.
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