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23 Easy Ways You Can Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Even if you don’t care about the environment, everyone can agree it’s better to spend money on Chipotle than on bills.

When I was younger and my dad used to go around turning down the heat and throwing extra blankets over us– I thought he was being nuts.

Then, I started to pay my own utility bill and I understood completely. I started to reduce my energy for the pure reason of saving money in college but that has evolved into reducing my energy as well.

Here are a few ways to reduce your energy; therefore, your electric and water bills throughout the year.

All-Year Energy-Savers:

Easy tips you can follow to lower your energy usage and bill:

Laundry Energy-Saving Tips:

That dress you wore to dinner for an hour probably doesn’t need to be washed, do the classic smell test and decide (This excludes things like underwear and exercise clothing…hopefully that’s obvious). It’ll make your clothes last longer.

Winter Energy-Saving Tips:

Nobody likes living in an icebox, but paying higher electric bills in the winter also sucks. Basically opposite of the summer months seems easy but sometimes you need a reminder!

Summer Energy Saving Tips:

There are so many benefits to summer, but with one huge downfall… I’m constantly sweating. There are so many free outdoor events and activities like gardening and hiking you can do!

Don’t let that A.C bill sneak up on you and fight the summer heat with a few simple tricks.

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