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Hygge in Springtime: How To Brighten Up Your Home and Life this Season

Hygge in Springtime: How To Brighten Up Your Home and Life this Season

The Danish concept known as hygge (hue-gah) is a quality that I often find myself returning to.

If you’re not quite familiar with the term, know that hygge is not solely about your surroundings; rather, it’s about the innate feeling of contentment inside you.

It comes from taking genuine pleasure in the most ordinary, everyday things.


While many associate the concept with wintertime, there’s just something about springtime that makes us feel immeasurably at peace.

That somehow, despite it all, the world can be wonderful, fresh, and youthful. Especially now, as we enter a season of home and prosperity coming out of a very difficult year.

Now is the time to embrace the hygge lifestyle, the sunshine, and the authentic aspect of awareness and appreciation that beautifully blooms this time of year.

Here are a few simple ways you can refresh your life with springtime hygge.

1. Bring the outdoors in.

After months battling cold temps, alienation, and cabin fever, you may have felt like Opportunity, the space rover, whose last words were, “my battery’s low, and it’s getting dark.”

Here and now, soak in the promise of pure rejuvenation by bringing the outside in with fresh flora or greenery.

By connecting with nature, we enhance a feeling of comfort, warmth, and #selfcare. Besides, green is the true color of growth, change, and life’s vivacity.

2. Let the light shine in.

Now that winter’s dark days are behind us, letting fresh air circulate throughout your home is not only good for the body, but it also rejuvenates the soul. Let’s use the arrival of spring to brighten up our homes and our lives. Open up the windows on a warmer day to air out the house and let the light in.

Ditch your heavy curtains for lighter alternatives and switch out your heavy comforter with airer fabrics or fun prints. Try lighter, spring curtains to let more of that sunshine in.

3. Elevate your entertaining spaces; and enjoy them.

Embracing hygge means slowing down to enjoy each moment. After all, what’s better than the simple pleasures of food, drinks, and company? Wintertime hygge is all about sipping on steaming cups of tea or cocoa around the fireplace. Springtime hygge is just the opposite, filled with cold, refreshing drinks and sitting outside on the terrace, deck, or patio.

Eating good, healthy food among loved ones allows you to refresh your life with springtime hygge. Cook up a nice brunch to enjoy with those you love in the backyard, or meet up with friends at the park for a picnic. Sharing simple pleasures is the perfect way to celebrate the newness of life again.

4. Do some spring cleaning.

Nothing makes your home feel more refreshed and relaxed then cleaning it up a bit.

Donate some clothing. Declutter. Organize your otherwise hectic closets, drawers and rooms.

Free up your space to allow for cozy and comfortable moments.

Check out this article for a full list of spring cleaning ideas: How To Spring Clean Yo’ Life

5. Take time for relaxing activities in your home.

Sometimes, we take a wrong turn or get lost along the way, and only at a certain time do we realize it. Springtime is the epitome of cleansing and refreshing, which means it’s time to revisit your New Year’s resolutions, pick up a hobby again, and focus on your well-being.

Curl up with a book, take a long nature walk or bike ride, practice yoga, or indulge in hot tub therapy.

Light some candles. Do a face mask. Snuggle under a soft blanket for a cat nap.

Enjoy your home and let yourself take the time to appreciate the peaceful space you have.

This season shows the world that worth doesn’t disappear—neither does the possibility for joy or contentment. Each day is so unique. Enjoy the process and potential of each waking moment.

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