Life in Europe is often romanticized in American movies and TV shows, with Paris being filled with lovers and romance. And Rome being the place to go to meet an endless amount of beautiful and charming Italian men. Having lived in Europe for most of my life, I can say with full confidence that these …
When all your coworkers in your first job out of college are over the age of 60, it changes you. A mere year and a half ago, I was laughing with my friends, going over the latest drama, the results of last night’s Bachelor episode and who’s getting asked to this weekend’s Alpha Tao Omega …
After working together for a long time, coworkers tend to be more of a family than just colleagues. Showing them your appreciation via gift-giving is always well-received. Giving those gifts in the form of fun, thoughtful AND brain stimulating items is even better because they can be utilized at work too. A fun office environment …
Being an English major is not only about reading and writing; it is a commitment that lasts a lifetime. As an English major, you start to see the world differently than before you went to school. Things like grammar, punctuation, and the misuses of “they’re,” “there,” and “their” really get on your nerves, but you …
After my third semester away at school, four days before Christmas, I received a letter from my university’s Provost that every college student fears. “…I regret to inform you that your unsatisfactory academic performance has made it necessary to dismiss you from the university.” I immediately felt shame and failure. I had known that my …
“Are you afraid of being hurt?” My friend sits down the drink in his hand and looks at me right in the eyes, his own glistening from the lights shining above us. I laugh, in spite of myself and almost accidentally. “No, I’m not afraid. Not really of anything, certainly not of being hurt.” He …
“What would you say is your dream job?” This was the first time I had been asked that question in an interview and it caught me completely off guard. I stared across the long boardroom table at the Vice President of my department and frantically searched for the right words. When applying for the promotion …
A letter to share with the woman that built you, that crafted every part of your fledgling soul into the woman you are today. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Dear Mom, No words could possibly capture the amount of gratitude you are owed. But I am going to try, with teary eyes and a big cup …
So you want to know how to ask for a raise. First of all, congrats! The first step to moving forward in your career is understanding your worth and being willing to fight for what you know you deserve. Sometimes that can be the hardest part. As women, we’re often taught to walk on our …