“This is why we date,” my college friend would say frankly, quoting her mother to address any one of our current dating catastrophes. Like a movie scene, I could see my friend’s mom sitting at the edge of her daughter’s bed, making that statement with the perfect amount of sass and comfort that could only …
I’m what you would call a perpetual intern. Seriously, I have had consecutive internships since I was a senior in high school. Even throughout the school years, I have remained an intern part-time. Through these incredible experiences have absorbed a few pieces of wisdom along the way that you may find helpful in your own …
I want to propose a bit of a challenge. I’m not asking you to do anything drastic. I’m not going to instruct all women to grab their make-up bags filled with carefully chosen, expensive products, and give them a swift toss into the garbage can. You don’t have to start dumping out the hair products …
There’s much to be said about how the locations of our upbringings alter the adults we later become, but what about the lovers we later become? Many characteristics and lessons can derive from growing up in a small area with a tight-knit group of people fueled by familiar traditions and thoughts. It changes you, no …
It is our nature to blame the media for our poor perceptions of reality and the ways we compare ourselves to idealistic standards. At one time, that may have been true. It may have been the airbrushed models in the magazines, and the seemingly flawless lifestyles of celebrities that made us feel like boring little …
I’m going to ask you to do something that may be difficult and upsetting, but these kinds of conversations can never be easy. I want you to take a moment to think about the people that you have lost. Dig deep into the corners of your heart, where you have had to safely store their …
People are like puzzle pieces. You search and search for the right ones. You pick up a few that don’t fit, and frustratingly place them back in the pile. A few fall on the floor, and you seemingly lose them forever at that point. A few feel absolutely impossible to find. But sometimes, a piece just …
In life, you will find that you have to settle for many things, love should never be one of them. Trust. Unending laughter. Adventures. Passion. A number one fan. An ability to inspire and teach one another. Safety and security. Late night conversations. Mutual respect. Inside jokes. Honesty. Starry nights. A second family. Delicious …
You knew what you were leaving behind. You knew as you packed up your memories into a few empty beer boxes laying around your tiny apartment. You knew as you last hugged the people you spent every minute of the last four years with extra tight, and tried to convince yourselves that nothing would change. …