It’s incredible how brief encounters with strangers can come exactly when you need them. And then turn your perspective over on its side like a cross-fit fanatic flipping a giant tire. You find these experiences almost anywhere; in the line at the store, on a bench at the park or even in a crowd at …
The exhausting weight we carry around on a daily basis to consistently excel in our personal and professional lives has gotten out of hand. Adriene Mishler is one of the rare reminders in this chaotic world to take a deep breath and meet yourself where you are. Most commonly known for her thriving YouTube Channel, …
“Wait, so you’re alone?” “….in Amsterdam?” The bewildered Londoner asked me this with an expression that was equal parts perplexed and amused. And her question was not uncommon. I also received a similar inquiry from a waiter earlier that day, a young couple in Belgium the day before and the Canadian family I did a …
Let’s set the scene. I’m sitting in a restaurant in Brussels, Belgium looking out at the Grand Place through an old window. There’s a fire burning beside me and a nice couple from Finland that I’ve been chatting with on and off. I’m sipping hot tea on a chilly day in March with a book …
In high school, there was no way that anyone was going to get me out of the house if I hadn’t put on AT LEAST my mascara and foundation. I was so terrified of being seen au naturale that I would wear my makeup overnight at sleepovers; something which ultimately led to many breakouts. Upon …
Since graduating from college and moving 8+ times in 4 years, I’ve found myself on my own much more often than I was used to. At first, it was a tough transition from college and constantly being surrounded by friends to diving into the deep-end of adulthood independence. Over time, however, I’ve learned to embrace …
Ever since its inception, the fashion industry has gotten a bad rap for being exclusive and for presenting an unrealistic beauty ideal, often created by eliminating the flaws in models through Photoshop. In recent years the industry has started to explore the notion of body diversity by including more women and men of different shapes …
It was 1 week prior to my 18th birthday. This was the day I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, a condition on the Austism spectrum. That was my ‘early birthday present’ for my 18th birthday, as my parents and I still often joke. My parents expected the diagnosis after all the testing I went through …
“This must be rock bottom.” I think this to myself as I’m standing in the dark, freezing night on a train platform in New Jersey. I’m breathing heavily and warm tears paint my cheeks. No one is around but one man standing behind me with his belongings in garbage bags. He smokes a cigarette and …