Over the past 6 months I have attended 6 conferences. I have listened to Ted Talk style presentations sat through traditional lectures. I have participated in interactive workshops and watched professional panels. I have collected about 100 business cards and a notebook full of advice. Now I have taken everything I’ve learned from these events and picked the top pieces of advice that every girl needs to know. Whether you’re looking for an internship or your first real world job, here are a few things you should keep in mind.
1. Do your research. Have questions prepared before you go to an interview.
2. Interning is like dating for your career. Do it as much as you can if you want to find out what you really want in out of your profession.
3. Arrive with a goal. Bring it with you whenever you meet someone or go somewhere.
4. Seek out mentors. Choose ones that represent the very best of what you hope to become.
5. Find someone whose judgment you trust. Learn from them. Ask questions. Take advantage of those connections.
6. Manage your professional image like a celebrity would. You are your relationships and your reputation.
7. When you are starting out, no job is too small. Every job is another opportunity to grow and build your skills.
8. If you’re asked to do something, say yes. And if you don’t actually know how to do it, research it and ask for help. Don’t give up too easily.
9. A setback is a setup for a comeback. Learn from your mistakes, and pick yourself up from the ashes better than you were before.
10. Stand out. Be memorable.
11. Don’t worry about failure. Worry about what happens when you don’t try.
12. Be considerate. Makes it a point to say hello and goodbye to everyone you work with every day.
13. Make yourself essential. Make yourself an irreplaceable asset and keep getting better.
14. Be confident, but realistic. Don’t be delusional, and ensure that you maintain a certain amount of humility.
15. Be accountable. If you make a mistake, own up to it.
16. Websites are like an online business card. Build your resume in a plethora of formats.
17. Don’t be afraid to move on. Do what is best for your career, even if it means cutting ties.
18. You don’t have to be the best, but you should always try and be the best. Diligence and hard work are everything in the working world.
19. Remove the word “should” from your vocabulary. Be assertive and clear.
20. Push yourself. Improve while also understanding your own limitations.
21. Don’t neglect your responsibility to take care of yourself. You cannot do your job if you are not at your best both physically and mentally.
22. Don’t look at your peers as competition. Work with each other to grow and collaborate.
23. Stop comparing yourself to other people because. No one’s journey is your own.
You may not have your dream job quite yet, but these career tips is sure to help you get there. If you have any more career advice be sure to leave it in the comments below.