Ok, where are my glasses gals at?!
Finding the right glasses is an underrated struggle.
And don’t get me started on the style options.
Every accessory guide seems to list tips and tricks for everything from high heels to earrings to belts, but they forget the classic need to accessorize with a ~funtional and fabulous~ pair of glasses.
Because if you in fact a glasses gal, you have to wear them all the time. That’s arguably at the top of the accessory priority list.
It is important to find frames that will serve you justice, as long as possible, and ones that make you feel confident and comfortable. If you find shopping for glasses to be a particularly demanding experience, then my main pieces of advice are to:
1: Ask yourself the questions below before you make any decisions
2: Start shopping online. Do some browsing. See what feels right.
Shopping online makes things easier since in-person shopping can be overwhelming and having the optician shoving opinions down our ears, makes it difficult to choose. I recommend checking out EyeBuyDirect where you can browse their array of glasses at your leisure and place your order whenever you are ready. They’ve got all kinds of styles and price options, from Ray-Ban to Teavee, that can be at your door in a few days.
But before you get to shopping, it’s important to think about how your glasses can match who YOU are.
There are a few important questions to ask yourself:
1. What do you want your glasses choice to say about you?

The first thing to consider is what style of glasses you want and what message you want to convey through your appearance. Perhaps you are looking for something sensible and professional to wear at work, maybe something quirkier, or even unique to convey your fun side.
Typically, glasses wearers are likely to have at least two pairs of glasses at a time, so you can tailor your glasses to the different styles and personalities you feel empowered to tap into.
I think it is very efficient because you never know when you might need a spare pair also great for trying different styles since there are so many choices out there
You can have a simple pair of professional-looking frames or a pair of fun frames that are not for everyday use. . Your glasses are vital for your vision, but also can be a staple fashion accessory to be mix-matched and paired with different outfits. So my advice is to truly consider what fits your style and your personality, but also what is going to suit your face best.
2. Why and when do you wear your glasses?

Ok, stating the obvious, you wear glasses to SEE.
But what is the sub-reason below that?
Do you need to wear your glasses all the time?
Do you only wear glasses when you aren’t wearing contacts? So, at home or at night?
Do you just wear glasses for reading or occasionally when you use the computer?
The functionality of your glasses will affect what kind of frame you need to go for. If they are only for reading, or if you will mostly be wearing contact lenses, then perhaps you would rather just go for the less expensive option. Or maybe you want something more practical. A simple, functional pair of specs may do the trick.
If you are wearing them every day or when you’re going out on the town, then you will want to get a versatile pair of spectacles that are comfortable and give you confidence. You’ll want to find a few styles that go well with your different outfits and occassions. Some of which include:
-Work and the office
-Out and about, running errands
-Grabbing lunch or spending the day at a casual party
-Going out, grabbing your favorite pair of heels and hitting the town.
Different occasions and activities can always impact your choice.
3. What kind of lifestyle do you lead, and how does that impact the qualities you’ll need in your glasses?

You should also consider your overall lifestyle when picking out your glasses. Especially, if they are going to be worn all the time.
If you have young children or if you spend a lot of time outdoors, then you should splash out and get all the additional features such as scratch-resistant coating and durable frames.
If you live in a sunnier state, then you should definitely consider getting prescription sunglasses to help protect your eyes from the sun and are also perfect for driving in the car.
Consider the features you need most in a pair of glasses before you decide on a pair that’s right for you.
4. Lastly, what style feels like YOU?

Check out the styles below for what glasses feel the most like you–your style, your personality and your glasses goals.
1. Fashion Glasses: Trendy, bold and creative.

Shop here: https://www.eyebuydirect.com/eyeglasses/fashion
2. Classic frames: Practical and versatile

Shop here: https://www.eyebuydirect.com/eyeglasses/classic
3. Vintage frames: Timeless and stylish.

Shop here: https://www.eyebuydirect.com/eyeglasses/vintage
4. “Geek Chic” Frames: Smart, unique and confident.

Shop here: https://www.eyebuydirect.com/eyeglasses/geek
5. Cute and colorful frames: Pretty and feminine– master of the coordinated outfit.

Shop here: https://www.eyebuydirect.com/eyeglasses/cute
Good luck on your glasses hunt, and let us know in the comments below if you have any other time-honored tricks to share!