Recently people have started to explore many complementary therapies while seeking to improve their health and wellness, and essential oils are just one modality. I started using essential oils over 4 years ago as I was looking to better support my teenage daughter. Unfortunately, she is allergic to almost every indoor and outdoor allergen (pollen, …
Learning to live in the city is an education all of its own. It takes a few subway mishaps, bathroom scavenger hunts and failed grocery shopping attempts to start to figure out what does and doesn’t work for you. Truthfully, the learning never stops. And like anything worth pursuing in life, it’s a never-ending journey. …
Oh Summer, how we’ve missed you. Some are lucky enough to be spending their days at the shore and nights around the bonfire, while others find themselves going from the office to happy hour or just lounging around enjoying the nice weather. It’s summer, it’s hot and we don’t all have the time to spend …
It is no understatement that our early twenties are maddening and glorious all at the same time. However, somewhere between the tear-filled late-night phone calls and the head thrown back laughter sessions, we find ourselves faced with a choice. That choice is whether we want to spend our early twenties on auto-pilot or if we …
Hey Her Track Family, It’s been a long time since I’ve caught up with y’all, for reasons that are both good, and bad. Within the past year or so I’ve seen a few countries, lost some loved ones, graduated college, had my heart torn asunder, gotten a real-life adult-job and even went blonde (I’m a …
I love trends and new fashions just as much as the next gal, but sometimes they’re a pain. They can be expensive, uncomfortable and a challenge to pull off if you have to do normal human activities…like walk around, sit down, eat a sandwich, etc. So every girl with the laziness to fulfill a Saturday …
“People never change.” Everyone says this when they’re giving the typical “time-to-move-on-girl” talk to someone they love experiencing the worst parts of a consistently disappointing relationship. Well, I’m actually calling bullshit on that saying because deep down it’s what everyone does when they hear that said about someone they’re in love with, even if they …
“A couple who can travel together, can stay together.” You’ll hear some variation of this statement a number of times when you start to embark on adventures with your significant other. It’s pretty cliche, but it does make sense. Traveling as a couple, and crossing off destinations on your Couples Bucket List, often requires you to …
Before I explain the most recent and slightly insane set of decisions I’ve made in my life, I want everyone to first imagine what it feels like to jump. I’m from the country(ish) part of Pennsylvania, so growing up we all did a lot of jumping. School nights and weekends were spent seeking that small-town …