Over the past 6 months I have attended 6 conferences. I have listened to Ted Talk style presentations sat through traditional lectures. I have participated in interactive workshops and watched professional panels. I have collected about 100 business cards and a notebook full of advice. Now I have taken everything I’ve learned from these events …
Heartbreak is a very touchy, difficult sensation to experience. It is even more difficult to overcome. Whether you go through heartbreak in the form of a break up, losing a loved one, or a job opportunity gone awry, it is altogether necessary to find means through which to work through your sorrows. For some, heartbreak …
Our failures, mistakes and everything around us can often influence us to think we are less than amazing. The reality TV shows, the Instagram accounts, the celebrities with their plastic surgery and unworldly white teeth, the girls you went to high school with, the catalogs and many other factors have the power to force self-comparisons …
My two best friends pulled out their shiny, brand-new credit cards. “They’re so pretty. I love the silver overlay.” They gushed. I nodded my head in agreement. That card was like the tattooed bad-boy at the bar I knew would be bad for me. I wanted him. I went home the next day and immediately …
Whether you’re on summer break for college, or just looking to get some extra cash during the slower part of the year, earning extra income in the summer is an avenue many of us look into. Below are a few ideas for jobs you can do from home. The options range from chilling in your …
This is an older post, recently refreshed for additional insights and tips into the magically evolving blogging world. My name is Lexi Herrick, the founder of HerTrack.com and blogging has changed my life. It’s become a roller coaster of opportunity and I have learned the ups and downs of managing a website and being a …
Everyone strives for success and happiness. Everyone wants to live a life worth living. Everyone has the capability to be the best they can be every single day. Most people just don’t know where to start. There are a loads of habits that you can start doing today to lay the foundation for success to …
“Contrary to what the Bachelor/Bachelorette television franchise and the entire spirit-decimating Hollywood Industrial Complex would have you believe, romantic love is not a competitive sport.” -Cheryl Strayed Alright guys, I have a confession that might make me wildly unpopular: I’m not a fan of the Bachelorette or the Bachelor. I have had several roommates through …
Dear Party Animal, Life events and time tend to dictate for us when the partying should stop. I had a lot of fun in college, all the way from freshman to senior year the weekends were reserved for whooping it up with booze and buddies. I had so much fun! The most miraculous thing about …